TNAU is one of the line departments mainly concentrating the upscaling of water saving technologies in rice and major garden land crops. The total out lay for TNAU is Rs.88.90 crores. The technologies identified for large scale promotion are system of rice intensification (Rajarajan 1000), improved production technologies (IPT) on garden pulses, cotton, maize, sunflower, groundnut and gingelly will be demonstrated in farmers’ field.
Promotion of new crops viz., thornless bamboo and coco intercropping in coconut is also programmed. Precision farming with drip fertigation will be demonstrated with sugarcane, banana, vegetables, tapioca, coconut and flowers. Besides the concept of organic farming seed village is promoted in the sub basins. E-velanmai is one of the novel technology will be tested on pilot basis. Under farm mechanization, the labour saving implements like tractor drawn seed drill, maize husker cum sheller and sunflower thresher will be introduced in all the sub basins. For value addition, mini dhal mill is introduced in the selected sub basins. The implements like coconut shredder will be introduced under waste recycling. Vermi bag – a cost effective portable unit will be demonstrated on a large scale.